Annonceudvidelser (Part 2) | Advertisers

Ad Extensions (Part 2)

SMS extensions:

 The explanation lies in the name. However, there are some things that one needs to be aware of before one can make a decision about whether the expansion makes sense for one or not. Basically, it's about people having the ability to write to you directly via SMS by clicking on an ad.

It is therefore important that the number associated with the selected ads can receive an SMS.

The SMS extension must be perceived as a "Quick Mail", therefore you must also be aware that a faster response is expected than, for example, e-mail. If this makes sense for your business or campaign, you should also be able to respond quickly. If you do not have the resources to answer the inquiries, you may miss out on potential customers and revenue. If you have the resources to answer the SMS inquiries, this tool can be a good service with potential for further revenue. It is also a good opportunity to get in touch with your company quickly.

The SMS extension can be used at the Account, Campaign, and Ad Group level to make it more general, or just for specific campaigns and ad groups.

Address extension:

This extension is used to show people where your business is physically located. This is an advantage if your business depends on people physically showing up, it could be for example:

  • Hairdresser
  • Dentist
  • Business

It can also be a combination of online and offline business. This can be a good idea if, for example, you sell clothes, tools or similar products. The advantage of the address extension is that interested users can quickly get an overview of how far it is from their position to your business. It also allows people to quickly see opening hours, customer reviews and directions. This extension therefore also encourages interested users to visit the physical store.

An address extension can look like this:

We recommend that you only use address extension if you have a physical store and would like to have more visitors.

Have you associated the address extensions without having a physical store, but just want a return via. mail, then an address extension can create confusion. Some users will mistakenly think that this addition of address means you have a physical store. This can lead to a negative consumer experience and give potential customers a negative view of your business.

It's about - as in much else with Google - relevance.

Address extension for affiliates

If you sell your products through a third party and not directly to the customers, you can with affiliate address extensions, show where people can buy your products. You can do this through your ads on the Google Network.

An example of this could be:

  1. A potential customer is searching for your product
  2. You already have a campaign with ads that appear when people search for your brand. If you have affiliate address extensions here, your ad will be displayed along with the address of the nearest store that sells your brand.
  3. Has the person searched for you via. mobile, the person can get directions directly on the phone to the store
  4. Person comes by and buys your product

It is important to associate the companies / stores that should be part of the expansion when creating it. If you have affiliated stores, Google will automatically show you the address closest to you.

The extension can be added at the account level and currently only covers retail and car dealers.

This is a good tool for strengthening collaboration with retailers of similar products, and at the same time potentially increasing one's sales.

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