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Conversions & Google Ads

"Information is Key" - This sentence we are probably many who have listened to countless times. For it is as true as it is said. When working with digital media, all visitors leave a "footprint" for every action they take.
These "footprints". Understanding, as well as analyzing them, are the alpha and omega of success online. They help give you an understanding of how your customers interact on your website, what they like and what they do not like. In order to get data into the right places, we need to be able to track it. Therefore, one should set up a tracking on these "footprints" which in digital circles is called conversion tracking. Google allows you to set up tracking of your conversions so you can always keep track of and understand how your customers are interacting with your ads. For example, they may have bought a product online, signed up for your newsletter or called your company.

At Advertisers, we experience a great many companies that have not had tracking set up correctly. Some companies even need to set up tracking and may miss out on potential leads. Therefore, we can not stress at all enough how important it is that the tracking is set up correctly.

What can conversion tracking do?

  • It provides an overview of which keywords, ads, ad groups, and campaigns best generate valuable activity
  • Gives you insight into your advertising ROI in relation to your set goals
  • Gain insight into Who, Where and How your website converts

Does the majority of your sales come, for example, from mobile operating systems such as Android and iOS or is it from the computer via. Chrome? Conversion tracking is a great way to see if you are on the right marketing channels and where you might need to shift your focus.

How does conversion work in practice compared to Google Ads?

First, it is important to define a conversion first, to get an idea of what to track.
A conversion can include:

  • An action on your website:
    • Purchase
    • Registration for events or similar
  • Phone calls: Could be calls from mobile, from ad or directly from your website.
  • App:
    • Installing the App. In different operating systems (android, iOS, etc.)
    • Purchases made via the App
    • Other activity that is considered to be a conversion

In addition, it is also customer activity that basically starts online and ends offline, such as buying a house or a car. Here, leads use your website to be able to create an image of the product and to obtain information. The essence of making a conversion tracking is that you now get to make clear what a conversion is for your business. Do you measure e.g. a conversion based on a sale, a newsletter, a call, etc. Conversion tracking can clarify the effectiveness of your online ads, and ultimately whether you spend your money on the right thing. Conversion, as previously mentioned, can be many different things, and it varies from company to company what goals are set for a conversion.

What does a conversion mean to you?

In some cases, it may also be important to clarify the value of the conversion in question. For example, for a carpenter who does not have physical products that can be put in a shopping cart, one would define his conversions as a call, or an acceptance of an offer. Once the conversion has been defined, tracking should be set up properly. Feel free to spend extra time getting to know how it is set up correctly. If this does not happen, you will not receive the correct data and thus will not get the right picture of where you should place your business focus. Conversion tracking is not the sexiest thing, and is often forgotten. That's a big mistake! This is because it is crucial to be able to create a healthy business.

If you want help setting up tracking of your conversions, please contact us. We work to promote your business!

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